Mastering One-Way Video Interviews

Recruitment Advice

In today’s rapidly evolving recruitment landscape, many companies are embracing one-way video interviews in their hiring processes. In this blog post, we'll explore why companies are adopting this emerging recruitment trend and how it can benefit both companies and candidates. As a professional seeking a new job opportunity, understanding these benefits can help you to strengthen your approach to recording your videos, and we'll equip you with expert tips from our talent acquisition team to help you ace the process like a pro.


What is a one-way video interview?

A one-way video interview involves candidates receiving a link to a purpose-built platform where they record a short video. This may entail recording one or several videos, each with specific prompts tailored to the hiring process.


This stage can be an automated response to your application or a request following the review of your CV. Some companies may utilize one-way interviews during later stages of the recruitment process, such as when putting together a final shortlist of candidates, allowing recruiters to share the candidate's video responses with hiring managers, more effectively showcasing their potential than if only sharing a CV.


That's the essence of a one-way video interview—a unique twist in the recruitment game that companies are using to assess candidates. These mini-video interviews offer recruiters an additional lens to evaluate your potential, and it's an opportunity for you to showcase your skills, personality, and expertise beyond what's written on paper.


Bringing Your Candidate Profile to Life

Adding a one-way video interview stage enables candidates to showcase their skills, expertise, personality, and character, which may not be easily discernible from a CV alone.


A one-way video interview allows recruiters to evaluate a candidate's communication and presentation skills, providing a comprehensive assessment of their overall proficiency and experience. This form of assessment is particularly valuable as it goes beyond what can be conveyed through a CV, enabling a more informed decision before arranging an interview.



By implementing one-way video interviews, companies significantly optimize their recruitment process for both their recruiters and their candidates. This streamlined approach saves time for both parties and enables recruiters to better assess a candidate’s suitability for the role before asking them to invest 30 minutes to an hour of their time for a formal interview.


Employing one-way video interviews also proves effective in identifying candidates who might have applied without genuine interest in the role. By reviewing applications and requesting video interviews, recruiters can discern candidates who exhibit sincere enthusiasm and dedication, separating them from those who might be less invested.


Improved Candidate Experience

One-way video interviews offer candidates unparalleled flexibility. They can record their “mini-interviews” according to their busy schedules and adapt to hybrid work arrangements. Candidates have the freedom to choose a time that suits them best, ensuring they can present themselves confidently and with minimal stress. This autonomy leads to a better candidate experience overall.


Candidates are also given the option to review and re-record their videos to ensure they put their best foot forward. This opportunity to refine their presentation further enhances their chances of making a strong impression.


Presentation of Candidates to Stakeholders

One-way video interviews provide recruiters with a valuable tool for introducing candidates to key stakeholders or hiring managers. These videos serve as a powerful means to present a candidate's suitability and enthusiasm for a role, helping to narrow down the shortlist of candidates or persuading a stakeholder that a candidate, whose CV might not be as striking, deserves an interview.


Equal Opportunity and Fair Assessment

For companies employing a standardized set of questions during the video interview, this format ensures an equal opportunity for all candidates to showcase their experience and motivation. By recording the interviews, hiring managers can involve multiple team members in the evaluation process, fostering collaboration and promoting objectivity. This approach minimizes the risk of unconscious bias, ultimately leading to fairer and more unbiased selection processes.


One-way video interviews also offer a chance for exceptionally talented candidates with a skill set that may not be adequately highlighted on their CVs to shine and demonstrate their true potential.


Tips from our Talent Acquisition Team for Mastering the One-Way Interview:


The recruiter already has your CV.

Remember, the recruiter or hiring manager already knows your experience and key skills from your CV. They are looking for your passion, confidence, and communication skills, so don’t waste this opportunity re-reading your CV when you could be giving the recruiter more information about why you are the best candidate for the role.


Treat it like the real deal.

Approach recording your videos with the same level of professionalism and preparation as you would for an in-person interview. Recruiters will often use this as an opportunity to ask a question that they would otherwise ask in an interview, so craft thoughtful responses and structure your answers effectively.


Present yourself professionally.

Choose a well-lit space with a suitable background to create a professional setting. Make sure you are clearly visible and centred on the screen. Some platforms have a background blurring functionality, but not all. Don’t forget to prepare yourself like you would for any other virtual interview, including suitable attire for the company’s culture or dress code.


Plan, but don’t write a script.

Before you hit record, take a few minutes to plan what you want to talk about in the video. Try outlining a few bullet points of things you want to cover, but don’t write yourself an entire script. The best-received videos are ones that come across quite naturally. If you make a minor mistake or need to briefly pause to collect your thoughts that’s okay. Your video doesn’t need to be perfect - unless you’re applying to be a television reporter.



One-way video interviews are a powerful tool that allows both candidates and recruiters to maximize their time and improve the candidate screening process. It can present an opportunity for candidates to answer skill-based questions and demonstrate their level of knowledge, experience, and expertise before investing time into a formal interview stage. Or, it can help convince a pesky stakeholder that a candidate should be given the chance to interview even if their CV isn’t jumping off the page.


The benefits for you as a candidate rely on the content of your video strengthening your application. By following our tips for success and embracing this new approach, you can navigate one-way video interviews with confidence and leave a lasting impression on recruiters and the companies you want to work for.